Tuesday 8 March 2011

Is it possible to learn with technology or do we merely learn from it?

I read an article by Jonassen et. al. today, and it really got me thinking. Jonassen et. al argue that teachers have not been using technology in the right way. So far, technology has been used to transport knowledge to the students, but according to their research this is far from beneficial to the students. According to Jonassen et. al. students should be actively involved in the learning and not just be talked to and spoon fed. They believe that students don't just need to be actively involved but the learning also has to be meaningful.

    I agree. But how do we ensure that we provide our students with these technological learning experiences? Educational technology has come a long way from paper and quill, to blackboards, radio, TV to computers. But as technology evolves the risk of teachers lacking behind grows. There are so many ways of using today's computer technology but not every teacher can know each and every way of using it. That is why I believe that teachers should work together on this, continuously broadening their minds to the possibilities of technology,  this would include in services and the sharing of ideas and resources with other teachers. Technology is ever evolving and it is difficult for everyone to stay on top of it individually. This is one of the many opportunities for teachers to work together and help create the best learning opportunities for the students.
       I'm really looking forward to these new innovative teaching strategies as I'm sure that they will change and improve teaching a great deal.

Photo by hinkelstone

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