Monday 7 March 2011

Internet- Jungle or Forest?

Please go online and find a good, usable interactive website for K-6.  With this task on hand I started to search the internet. But where do I start? And how do I know if the websites are any good. I begin with googling interactive websites and of course there are hundreds...
        Believe me, even though it seemed like an easy task, I spent a long time in front of my computer doing some research, and to be honest, I did not find my results particularly innovative.
              I then went to class, a little disappointed in my own ability but at least not empty handed. The class grouped into pairs and we tried to analyse and evaluate the websites we had found. It turned out that lots of the other students had experienced similar difficulties, and others found some amazing resources. We were then introduced to a website called Delicious something I had not heard of before. This turned out to be a great website where people can bookmark their websites and tag them. But this was not all, as we tagged the websites, we were able to see what other websites under these tags had been added by other people. This also showed how many other people had tagged certain websites. This is a fantastic feature as you seem to be able to judge the site's popularity by the amount of users tagging it.
               This opened my eyes to just how big the internet really is, but I also hope that using a site like this may narrow the big jungle of the internet down to a small sized forest. I'm looking forward to experiment with my new knowledge and hope that I will be able to find some wonderful and innovative websites for the classroom.

Thanks to frielp for this photo.

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