Saturday 19 March 2011


It is amazing. Every Monday morning I walk out of my Professional experience class and am amazed, no worried, about how much I don't know. We learnt about podcasting. I then read an article by Vardy, Kervin and Reid who suggest the use of I-pods in education. Of course, i know i-pods and straight away I felt a bit more up to date than I had after the previous articles. I can relate to that. Wow, I even have one, maybe this is a way I can integrate technology into my classroom, without being completely stressed out about it.So I continue reading.
Using I-Pods to focus on the children's listening and talking abilities. Wow, what a great new way of teaching. Which student wouldn't want to participate in this activity. Students nowadays are so in touch with technology that teaching them the old way is starting to look silly. technology is part of their everyday life (and of mine, now that I think about it.)
According to Cox (2005) students have been missing out on this very important strand of the English syllabus. Listening and talking. And are they not the most important skills? How could anyone possibly be expected to write outstanding essays, if they never learned how to listen and articulate themselves.
So why not use an I-Pod to help? students could listen to music, poetry or even parts of movies. Simply listen. They could then create something of their own in regards to what they have just listened to. Creating a poem about your favourite song and then loading it up on to your I-pod so that they can listen to their work. Is that not a great way to see and show what you have learnt? All this combined with following the curriculum. And I'm not even too scared to try it. maybe there are some uses of technology out there that can help us "oldies'  ease our way into teaching with technology?!

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