Friday 3 June 2011

Let's write it down!

An article by Helen Barett has recently intrigued me.  She introduced ePortfolios and explained that they are computer based journals that record one’s learning. They often have artefacts attached to them to broaden the documentation. Barett further argues that for the learning to be deeper and more meaningful, the  person should go back over their learning and reflect on it as well as setting new goals. In her opinion this aids a more meaningful learning.
By making this ePortfolio public, other people can observe your learning and comment on it, which could further your own learning.
I have never really thought about documenting my learning, but I suppose that is exactly what I have done here on this blog. I wrote about all the new skills and knowledge I have acquired over the past few weeks and I suppose it has been very useful.
I have learnt so many new things about the use of technology and I suppose while all this is still fresh in my memory it is easy enough for me to remember. But I won’t be learning this much about technology at uni again, and who knows, I may not be using lots of the information for another few years, so documenting it would actually be a great way so I can get back to it when needed.
And now that I think about it, if I further reflect and document how my applied knowledge worked out, it helps e to analyse what I’m doing and correct it when necessary.
And haven’t I learnt a great deal from my fellow peers as I followed their blogposts?
I have now started a Wiki with some of these peers to record and reflect on resources and knowledge. So isn’t this already an ePortfolio?

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