Thursday 19 May 2011

Living things go digital

After a very promising first week on prac, my teacher asked me to create a unit of work relating to “living things” in science.
I was very excited as I had never had the chance to do anything like this before, but I was also very nervous.
So I returned home and sat down, thinking of how o start this unit. I remembered the website that we had analysed in our previous assignment and I recalled that it had some great introductory videos for all sorts of subjects.
So I tried my luck to see if I was able to find anything on the subject. I was unsuccessful at first as I didn’t have a password, but as soon as I asked my teacher, she provided me with her details so I could have a look.... and of course, it had the perfect video.
I used this as my starting point and created a variety of lessons on the topic. As my focus was technology on this prac, I also decided to incorporate this into my lessons. At the end, I asked my students to take photos and create a digital photo story.
Who would have thought... that I, as a technology Neanderthal, (and a little help from my students) would be able to get my year 2 students to create a digital photo story on living things? And even more so, be successful at doing this!
I must admit, it was a behaviour management lesson more so than anything else, but my year 2 students created a wonderful digital story on their "excursion"  out into the school grounds on their search for living things.
What a success!!!

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